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Bob Easton AIA Architect
215 East Mountain Drive
Montecito, CA 93108
Tel 805.455.1725

Bob Easton AIA
Charles Collins AIA
Marc Phillips AIA LEED AP BD+C
Julie Taira
Richard Warner


Bob Easton has co-authored and designed the following books:

Domebook One (out of print)
Domebook Two (out of print)
Shelter (Shelter Publications), co-editor Lloyd Kahn
Shelter II (Shelter Publications), co-editor Lloyd Kahn

Shelter Documents indigenous housebuilding from the past through the 1960's.

"Shelter has lavishly illustrated, containing over 1000 photographs, numerous drawings, and 250,000 words of text concerned with basic shelters from all over the world."
- San Francisco Chronicle

Native American Architecture (Oxford University Press), co-author Peter Nabokov
To Purchase

"Definitive... This is...a book about ritual, religion, and family life as much as it is a book about buildings... The authors' knowing observations on this subject have much to tell students of all kinds of architecture, far beyond the wigwam and the pueblo."
- Paul Goldberger, The New York Times Book Review

Santa Barbara Architecture (Hennessy and Ingalls)
A comprehensive review of the over 200 years history of Santa Barbara's built environment, including the genesis of the Santa Barbara Spanish style.

Bob Easton Projects